ANCIENT Chimes and Drums - Free Ableton Live Pack 161

I've been really taken back by the response ANCIENT has received. In case you don't know, ANCIENT is an Ableton Live Pack made from samples of some of the oldest instruments ever made. In total there are 104 instruments ranging from flutes and percussion to metallic cymbals and animal calls. It's a diverse set of tools that has garnered quite a lot of positive feedback.

There's so much potential in the 1.5 GBs of samples that Roisner sent to me, that I decided to make a couple new instruments and give them to you for free!

So as my 161th Free Ableton Live Pack, I've got two instruments. The Back in Time Chime is a melodic instrument made up of reversed chime samples. Deep Wood Drums is a Drum Rack of pitch shifted percussion sounds. Both come from instruments that probably go further back than most of our family trees. 

Here's a quick demo of what these instruments can do. It's just two tracks loaded with these free instruments. The MIDI Clips are contained within the download.

ANCIENT Back in Time Chimes

If that sounds like instruments you'd like to add to your music, then click the download button below! 

Learn More About ANCIENT

ANCIENT is an incredibly deep and wide ranging collection of sounds. The story of its creation is also pretty interesting. I built ANCIENT with the help of Roisner, who sampled Guy Thevenon's extensive collection of prehistoric instruments from all over the world. Listen to my conversation with Roisner on the Music Production Podcast, and then take a look at the video below to see what ANCIENT is all about.

Music Production Podcast with Roisner

Learn More About ANCIENT

Ableton Live Pack

ANCIENT is a collection of 104 Ableton Live Instrument and Drum Racks all made from samples of instruments that date back to prehistoric times. Journey back to the roots of human music-making with the instruments and sounds of ANCIENT.